This is another quick snap from the road that I meant to post up the other day.
I think they’re telling me not to explode while filling up?
When I see stick-person signage, I always have to wonder about the person who created it. Are they an aspiring artist who just hasn’t made it yet? Do they sit down to work thinking “Yes! Today I get to do the explosion logo”?
Did the original version of this warning involve severed limbs, only to have some editorial overlord ask the enthusiastic creator to dial it back a bit?
You know, the thick slash actually obscures much of the vital information, leaving what the stickman is doing open to a bit of interpretation.
My alternate suggestion about this sign was going to be that it was implying you shouldn’t re-enact one of the final scenes from “Night Of The Living Dead”, but I wasn’t sure how many people would get it.
71 minutes in: