Flash Pulp Scheduling

Flash PulpI had such beautiful plans in my heart – a week off of work-makes-food to allow me to finally build a buffer and get ahead.

Then this happened (well, figuratively):


While I’m actually beginning to feel better, our dearest Jessica May, audio producer extraordinaire, is now down with the same bug, and I have a sneaking suspicion that Opop may be next.

So, here’s the plan: blogging resumes as normal from here on out, but Flash Pulp and FlashCast will begin afresh next week. I’m going to pound the word-keys furiously in the meantime, and hopefully I’ll have magic to unveil come Monday.

(I actually suggested dragging the mic to Jessica’s sick bed, to do an episode of FlashCast, but she shook a fist at me and cursed me with something that was either a long dead language or a throat brimming with phlegm.)

We appreciate your patience in this time of zombification.