Category: maintenance

Brain Dump


These are from the same people who made the air/aqua-penguins I posted about previously. I may return to aquajellies at some point, but for now, I’d like to say that this video is a pretty good simulation of my brain today.

Proper blogging should return shortly, but expect some audioboos and randomness in the meantime.

Episode goes up tonight, as usual, of course.


On "Bachelor Magazines"

I was leafing through one of those ancient comic collections people leave lying around their bathrooms, and came across this strip, which I find interesting for two reasons:

Old Garfield Strip

1) Apparently there was a time when this was an area the Garfield universe was all right
with going into – I seriously doubt you’d see JonĀ receivingĀ “bachelor magazines” in today’s funny pages.

2) There was a time when Jim Davis thought this was a passable joke. This actually makes me feel better in an odd sort of “there’s always the next episode/strip” way. Mulligan hates Mondays!

Anyhow, we’re back to regular broadcasting – last night’s episode is delayed, but should be up shortly. Our lack of internet combined with a stomach bug has the FP production crew a little behind.