Category: neat

Puffy Headed Mulligan (Welcome To Monday)

Not too long ago, I was dropping broad hints to Nutty, of The Nutty Bites Podcast, that an art style she was experimenting with would make for a fantastic looking version of a certain behooded private investigator.

As mentioned on last night’s FlashCast, yesterday she surprised me with just such an image.Puffy Headed Mulligan Smith

Great stuff, and I especially love how it looks like he’s cuddling his slurpee, as they really are his security blanket.

Thank you kindly, Nutty!

Hold Up

Atlas, found at
I have little to add, I just thought this was a neat bit of word-history:

“collection of maps in a volume,” 1636, first in reference to the English translation of “Atlas, sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi” (1585) by Flemish geographer Gerhardus Mercator (1512-1594), who might have been the first to use this word in this way. A picture of the Titan Atlas holding up the world appeared on the frontispiece of this and other early map collections.

Scarily Classy (and Acting!)

You’ll have to excuse me if I go into weekend blogging mode a little early – I don’t mean to turn the site into some fourteen-year-olds tumblr full of animated Glee images, but check out this fantastic publicity still of Vincent Price and Peter Lorre’s wax head, from Tales Of Terror.

Tales Of Terror
Last night Mac of BIOnighT was mentioning John Wayne’s dislike of Gene Hackman, which seemed, to me, to come out of that odd clash between classical and method actors that reached its peak in the ’60s and ’70s.

I have a lot of love for the personalities that arose out of the earlier style, and the realism that came with the later, but I have a theory that we’ve moved into a third phase – neo-classical.

Green screens, casting looks over talent, the tween market, and an aging Hollywood pantheon, have brought us back to where we began. At the risk of receiving a beating in my own home, let’s use Robert Pattinson as an example. He’s not a bad new-school actor, he’s a bad old-school actor: handsome, wooden, and without the charismatic personality to sell his roles.

(Yes, by this logic Vin Diesel is the new Errol Flynn. Dandy swashbucklers, sure, but let’s keep their dialogue to a minimum.)

Don’t fear, however, as this also means the new Orson Welles is somewhere in the wings, busily producing some under-appreciated bit of work we can all claim we discovered before anyone else.

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Warning: NSFW language, if you can stand to watch the clip to its conclusion.

My Friend, Hume.

Earth & the moon

A friend of mine is undertaking a sekret projekt, which I usually avoid talking about, but some of his recent posts are too good not to spread around.

What do you get when you’re tasked with the creation of the universe? Some interesting observations, and a universe.

Call it the principle of proportional bewilderment. As your imagination works through a power sequence, you can become accustomed to each jarring change of scale, but when a new power is introduced, the feeling is temporarily intensified. – Hume Speaks