Hello, and welcome to FlashCast 51, brought to you by David “Doc Blue” Wendt – Prepare yourself for Randy Newman, renting Hitler’s castle, poor gang name choices, chess boxing, and Walmart Mike.
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Huge thanks to:
Jeff Lynch (Twitter – Facebook – Bothersomethings.com), for his Spot of Bother
Threedayfish (Twitter – Facebook – BMJ2k.com), for his cinematic considerations;
Barry/BMJ2k (Facebook), for his New York Minute;
and Ingrid (Twitter – Facebook – DancingElla – Viennese Legends), for her curious tale.
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Pulp-ular Press:
Friend of The Mob, Scott Roche, is giving away free eBooks all year long! Get some free fiction, and help support indie creators, by entering.
Social media gang arrests
[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NvgLkuEtkA”]
Rich the Time Traveler mentioned the Beaufort Pirate Invasion
Software can copy keys from photos
Fox thinks comics are corrupting our youth
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Zackmann sent in a listing of British shows remade in America
Savage Glenn will be at Running GAGG XVI: Apocalypticon, and playing the Savage Worlds RPG – will you?
R. Harron brought wrestling’s KISS Demon to our attention, as well as chess boxing.
Mobster John Donahue let us know that Garth Ennis will be writing the new Shadow comics
Rich Mentioned:
Joe Mentioned:
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Backroom Plots
FP237 – The Getaway
Fish recommended the Bastion soundtrack
[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWgR2vYE2_o”]
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Also, many thanks, as always, Retro Jim, of RelicRadio.com for hosting FlashPulp.com and the wiki!
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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at https://flashpulp.com, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to skinner@skinner.fm.
FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.