Pontypool (Sydney Briar is alive)

Had a chance to watch Pontypool last night, and I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was.

Pontypool Poster

It’s a low budget horror movie, but the lead, Stephen McHattie, carries the movie like he’s been subbing in for Willem Defoe for years. Flipping over to imdb, his list of credits is huge, although usually as ‘Guy in the back’ – I can’t see that lasting much longer, he has some mean talent.

The film itself is something of a zombie movie, although that’s not quite right – it’s more of a thriller set in a radio station, with the occasional zombie-a-like.

Beyond that though, it’s tough to discuss without giving away some of the magic, so I’ll leave it at this: If you have the time, pick it up – but don’t be expecting a Michael Bay flick.