Tied Down
A quick thought from my twitter stream.
Phone cord: just another artifact of the near-past our children will only be vaguely aware of.
A quick thought from my twitter stream.
Phone cord: just another artifact of the near-past our children will only be vaguely aware of.
I was going through a box of old cables and computer parts recently and I tossed out some cables with connections for ports that no computer has anymore but the cables were no more than 5 years or so old. Rotary phones, telephone booths, dialing an operator to make a call, technology has transformed the telephone to the point of unrecognizability from one generation to the next. but hasn’t been changed that way?
This got me thinking about what items we interact with that really haven’t seen that much of a major update in recent history, and the best I could come up with was the fork, but I was even wrong there:
“It was only in the late 18th century that the fork was accepted everywhere in Europe. America was the last hold out. In the early 19th century one American complained “eating peas with a fork is as bad as trying to eat soup with a knitting needle.” – http://encyclopediaoftheexquisite.com/?p=462
Spoons then, I suppose?
Of course, if you go to Medeival Times, you won’t even get a spoon.