The Death "Sentance"
While catching up on the world this morning, I encountered the following:
I don’t know who these PEODOPHILES are, but I’d like to bring back the English sentence for everyone.
Sen Tance actually sounds like the name of the hero from a terrible bit of ’80s cyberpunk.
Death SenTance (1984) – Chapter 2: Edge Runner
“The weight of the RAM was making Sen’s arm tired, so he set it down and flipped the switch to engage his five-colour monitor. The door-handle turned. Tance spun quickly as a woman covered in nothing but surgically implanted titanium spikes, and nipples, entered the room.”
Y’know, I kind of miss cyberpunk like this.
Frankly, me too.
I am a huge fan of grammar and spelling devastation (probably because I find comfort in it, considering my own numerous mistakes), here’s one of my favorites (from the cover of a Taiwanese DVD somebody lent me some time ago):
“This programme isunder copyrighjy proteion and may be show in Taiwan private home useonly any rental leas harter dealoe secopyger product or re-reoording well as puble exhibittion or simar commercial acts serving or there surffeacne bitted and will be paoscteed aoooading to the civillaw and the penal code.”
“Surffeacne” must be some terrible skin condition you get during adolescence, I guess it’s like acne but you get it by surfing too much…
My favorite website for this kind of thing is , it never lets me down when I really need a laugh
Great site! Also, ‘Proteion’ sounds a lot like an alien race – one I certainly wouldn’t want to harter dealoe with.
Don’t worry, the invincible super-robot Secopyger is going to protect us from their simar commercial acts ;-P
Another winner!
Many thanks!