Inky Jets
My cranium has found itself trapped in Scripts-ville, so I apologize for the sporadic posting that is sure to follow in my wake.
I did want to check in, however, to share this short video, which may change how you approach Father’s Day in ten or twenty years.
[youtube_sc url=]
(It’s in Japanese, but the on-screen text is English, and the process is pretty self-explanatory.)
The whole thing reminds me of the early days of the Gutenberg printing press – while it may start out as something owned only by rich elites, or corporations, the addition of another box beside my inkjet printer is inevitable.
Very clearly the next step toward Star Trek’s “Replicators”… FINALLY.
Agreed – even as it stands, I think an in-home version of the device would have had a profound effect on my childhood He-Man collection.