Tag: yuck

Women vs Pop Culture

The Ties That BindFound strangled to death, with his own tie, three days later.

After my recent post regarding the problems with older films, I got thinking about gender and popular culture.

I choose to believe this is sarcasm.

You mean a woman could shatter it over the edge
of a table and ram the jagged end into your condescending man-bits?

Locating examples of vintage chauvinistic advertising is depressingly easy.

Hard to tell if this is any better than the original ad, which, instead of “wives”, said “black people.”

What’s frustrating, to me at least, is that there seems to be a general assumption that these are relics of some ancient past, and not, say, something our own parents would have commonly seen in magazines lying around the house.
To be fair, that man is happy just to kill ANYONE.

Is it always illegal to be drunk at work? Don’t ask Mr Hobo.

I’m sure glad we’ve moved beyond our chauvinistic past.
Which is more vomit inducing, the ad or the sandwich?Gang-rape is never funny.

Last Night

Philly DipsThis is just sort of an odd personal note, but:

As I’ve been using as an excuse for tardiness lately, we’ve recently moved and are still settling in to our new digs. In a quest for snack food, and to explore the town a bit, Opopanax and I took a walk. Stumbling upon a 24-hour chain convenience store, we pushed inside, and, after some browsing, Opop convinced me to pick up some chips and dip.

Now, I didn’t start off particularly excited about the idea, but a few hours later I was daydreaming about salt and dill, so I decided to crack open our loot.

I wasn’t the first however – the Philadelphia had already been opened. A single, deep-furrowed rut had been pulled from it: someone had preemptively dipped into our goods.

Maybe it was for the best, however, as we realized during transport to the garbage that it was a month past due anyhow.

Not a good omen for future use of the store, but now, even this morning, I’m left craving salty, creamy, pickle taste.