Category: FlashCast

FlashCast 28 – Death of the Weebinax

FC28 - Death of the Weebinax[audio:](Download/iTunes)

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode twenty-eight – prepare yourself for Blaxploitation, Harry Potter, lizard men, fedoras and Character.

General Pulp

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Fresh Fish, with Threedayfish/@Mc_Laughing

This week’s Fresh Fish: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
[youtube_sc url=]

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A Spot of Bother:

Find Jeff at @PleaseLynchMe or at the Spot of Bother Blog
SC Lizard Man Facts

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Curious Tales of Vienna:

Find Ingrid at Dancing Ella’s WordsViennese Legends

The Three Little Devils
The Three Little Devils

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Backroom Plots:

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Art of Narration:

The Flash Pulp Wiki has seen some major updates!

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Also, many thanks, as always, Retro Jim, of for hosting and the wiki!

* * * credits:

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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to

FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.

FlashCast 27 – Exploding Basilisk

FC27 - Exploding Basilisk[audio:](Download/iTunes)

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode twenty-seven – prepare yourself for Johnny Canuck, a Spot of Bother, breaking Fish, Buggy, and an exploding basilisk.

General Pulp

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A Spot of Bother:

Find Jeff at @PleaseLynchMe or on Facebook
Can you identify this plant? I hope so.

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Backroom Plots:

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Fresh Fish, with Threedayfish/@Mc_Laughing

This week’s Fresh Fish: Masters of Horror – Dreams in the Witch-House
[youtube_sc url=]

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Curious Tales of Vienna:

Find Ingrid at Dancing Ella’s WordsViennese Legends

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Art of Narration:

The Flash Pulp Wiki has seen some major updates!

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Also, many thanks, as always, Retro Jim, of for hosting and the wiki!

* * * credits:

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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to

FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.

FlashCast 26 – Illegal Fireworks

FC26 - Illegal Fireworks[audio:](Download/iTunes)

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode twenty-six – prepare yourself for Jesse Eisenberg, Phantom of the Michael Jackson, Autobots, urban legends, illegal fireworks, and special episode one.

General Pulp

Fresh Fish, with Threedayfish/@Mc_Laughing

This week’s Fresh Fish: Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon
[youtube_sc url=]


Backroom Plots:

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Also, many thanks, as always, Retro Jim, of for hosting and the wiki!

* * * credits:

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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to

FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.

FlashCast 25 – Anonymous Donor

FC25 - Anonymous Donor[audio:](Download/iTunes)

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode twenty-five – prepare yourself for crossovers, Ron Howard, orange juice, Mother Gran, and Nurture.

General Pulp

Fresh Fish, with Threedayfish/@Mc_Laughing

This week’s Fresh Fish: Cube 2: Hypercube
[youtube_sc url=]

Extra Fish: Chris Meloni, of LaO: SVU, working on Man of Steel


Backroom Plots:

Mindy Sterling - a future Mother Gran?

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Extra thanks to Fish for his promo!

Also, many thanks, as always, Retro Jim, of for hosting and the wiki!

* * * credits:

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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to

FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.

FlashCast 24 – Fade Haircut

FC24 - Fade Haircut[audio:](Download/iTunes)

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode twenty-four – prepare yourself for a pulp Lama, fade haircuts, The Haunted House on Willoughby Road, toothaches, and a second chance for the Green Lantern.

General Pulp

Fresh Fish, with Threedayfish/@Mc_Laughing

[youtube_sc url=]


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Thanks to Jeff, of the Bothersome Things Podcast, for his vocal work!

Also, many thanks, as always, Retro Jim, of for hosting and the wiki!

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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to

FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.

FlashCast 23 – The Legend Continues

FC23 - The Legend Continues[audio:](Download/iTunes)

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode twenty-three – this episode is brought to you by Juju Klick, check out her fabulous photography at

Prepare yourself for DC Ultimate, editing, heist films, F-bombs, time management and Once in a Blue Moon.

[youtube_sc url=]


Many thanks, as always, Retro Jim, of for hosting and the wiki!

* * *

If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to

FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.

FlashCast 22 – Foley

FC22 - Foley[audio:](Download/iTunes)

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode twenty-two – prepare yourself for Foley, X-Men: First Class, Mr Three, and The Conjurer.

Mentions this episode:

Fan Fiction:

  • Recurring Nightmare by Threedayfish
  • Mulligan and the Show Biz Hater by Gigantor/Ray

Many thanks to:

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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to

FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.

FlashCast 21 – Positive Feedback

FC21 - Positive Feedback[audio:](Download/iTunes)

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode twenty-one – prepare yourself for more Flashers, Bell’s Palsy, PRB, The Crumble, Godfather Death, and Oz.

Mentions this episode:

Monty Python’s Meaning of Life: Part 7 – Death
[youtube_sc url=]

Also, big thanks to:

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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to

FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.

FlashCast 020 – Flashers

FC020 - Flashers[audio:](Download/iTunes)

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode twenty – prepare yourself for the Rapture, stickers, flashers, The Final Pilgrimage and tip jars.

Mentions this episode:

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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to

FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.

FlashCast 019 – Monster Lessons

FC019 - Monster Lessons[audio:](Download/iTunes)

Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode nineteen – prepare yourself for Nazis, 9/11, bumpers, Bin Laden fiction, and Erica Moen.

Mentions this episode:

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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to

FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.