Category: junk thought

Internet Snapshot

A screenshot from – where people go to find employment amongst America’s critical functions:
Lady Gaga Puppet Of Illuminati Mind ControlI guess potential employees need to be kept abreast of the latest CIA projects.

Also, while I’m throwing out screen-grabs, here’s one I found yesterday while visiting one of my favourite census data sites. It’s a Google ad regarding a service that, honestly, I wasn’t aware there was a demand for:

Ghetto Names Search

– and to think, up till now I’ve been searching for ghetto baby names one engine at a time!

Our Terrifying Future: More Robo-Kitten

Steampunk Cheetah Statue by Andrew Chase ( wasn’t long ago that I discussed the robotic cheetahs being developed by Boston Dynamics, but it only just occurred to me that there’s no reason they couldn’t build a mountable version.

One possible future: at an American combat base, dawn is just clearing the Afghani mountains and shedding some light on the already ongoing firefight between US and Taliban forces. The chips are down; the Americans are well armed, but heavily outnumbered, and they know the mujahideen are preparing for a final push.

After many frantic radio requests, salvation finally arrives – from the mountain pass comes a terrible grinding, then, roaring through the dust, cavalry saddled on mechanical panthers flood the scene.


Alternatively: the sun is beating down on Juan Munoz, fourteen, as he attempts to escape the nation whose problems have killed his older brothers, left his sisters in ruin, and shattered the heart of his mother.

A bad landing while jumping a fence has slowed him, and the stink of the river he was forced to wade has stuck to him, even if the cooling moisture has not – still, he reflects with a smile, he is nearly there.

That’s when he spots the monster.

A six-foot-long beast, with a man on its back, trots a long circle around his position, eying him. Before the boy can move to evade, the thing wheels on him, closing the distance in the blink of a motorized eye.

It will be another hour, with his leg held awkwardly in the mouth of the feline automaton, until further Border Patrol agents arrive to process his capture.

Askold Zapashny of the Zapashny Brothers Circus in St. Petersburg

The Best We Can Hope For (The Hitler's Mustache Problem)

Scissors Beat Paper (Original creator unknown)
The ephemera that remains visible in popular culture sometimes seems haphazard and nonsensical.

Consider: I’ve played World War II inspired video games in which it’s a perfectly feasible option to play as a Nazi soldier. I have, on certain evenings, taken great enjoyment in cutting swathes through squads of Allied troops. If it were a matter of political allegiance I’d be weeping, but, instead, I enjoy it. The mechanics of the game are engaging enough, and the interface is cartoonish enough, that I’m willing to ignore the unpleasant truth that I’m playing as a representative of a group responsible for killing millions of people – including those who fought and died for my own freedom.

On Hitler Politics (from consider: No one can wear a Hitler mustache. The details of his face may be fuzzy in the minds of many, but all know his mustache, and even people with the fortitude to digitally sling a digital German rifle cringe at the idea of shaving down to the facial hair of a mass-murderer.

Did I mention that this is a post regarding the phrase, “the birds and the bees”?

Cole Porter, in 1928, wrote a song called “Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall In Love)”, which goes a little something like this:


We think of this style of song largely as camp these days; we don’t consider the era in which they were created, or the effect that they may have had. Porter remains beloved in the types of circles that collect fat and dusty records, but is mostly forgotten by the rest of the world – and yet he may have left us with one of the most recognizable idioms in the English language.

Several sources give credit to Cole Porter for coining the phrase[, the birds and the bees]. One of the legendary musician’s more famous songs was “Let’s Do It, Let’s Fall in Love.” The 1928 standard contains the lyrics:

And that’s why birds do it, bees do it
Even educated fleas do it
Let’s do it, let’s fall in love


We don’t consider the social revolution that was “Love For Sale”, forcing upper-society to deal with the fact that streetwalkers were a prevalent, and human, underbelly to the city of New York, (and all over America.)

“Love for Sale” was originally considered in bad taste, even scandalous. In the initial Broadway production, it was performed by Kathryn Crawford, portraying a streetwalker, with three girlfriends […] in front of Reuben’s, a popular restaurant of the time. As a response to the criticism, the song was transferred from the white Crawford to the African American singer Elisabeth Welch, who sang with back-up singers in a scene set in front of Harlem’s Cotton Club.

Despite the fact the song was banned from radio airplay, or perhaps because of it, it became a hit[.]



Appetising young love for sale.
If you want to buy my wares.
Follow me and climb the stairs

I’d find even MIA or Gaga hard pressed to put out those lines – yet the closest we can get to retaining anything from Porter’s career is the baby talk we use to discuss intimate matters with children, inspired by a song as directly about sexual intercourse as we probably had till the release of Afternoon Delight.

Electric eels, I might add, do it
Though it shocks em I know
Why ask if shad do it – Waiter bring me
“shad roe”

In shallow shoals English soles do it
Goldfish in the privacy of bowls do it
Let’s do it, let’s fall in love

The legacy we intend is rarely the one we receive, and often the shorthand we use socially (crazy mustache = crazy war monger, naughty song = sexy time,) can carry on even after its origin has begun to fade from public memory.

Two Heads, No Teeth

amphisbaena from
While poking around the other day, I came across the Amphisbaena, a mythical two headed snake.

(Not to be confused with Paula Abdul’s own cold hearted reptile.)

The amphisbaena has a twin head, that is one at the tail end as well, as though it were not enough for poison to be poured out of one mouth.

-Pliny the Elder. Naturalis Historia, ca. 77 AD

This may seem immediately ridiculous, but the truth is that this description may also fall into the “as seen while running away” category.

Behold, the Indian Sand Boa:

an Indian Sand Boa from

In this case the supposed dual-head isn’t of magical origin – its tail acts as a bit of camouflage, so that predators attack its non-critical rear, and not its noggin.

Of course, humanity, always eager to improve on deception, made use of the idea:

As tribute to the effectiveness of this display, many wild caught adults have scarred tails. Indian snake charmers will also disfigure the snakes tail to look more like the head and advertise them to their clients as “two-headed” snakes.


Still, it’s worth pointing out that Sand Boas and snake charmers actually have quite a bit in common – both use trickery in their own defense.

More drastic means of protection include removing the creature’s fangs or venom glands, or even sewing the snake’s mouth shut.

wikipedia on snake charming

Cobra from

Science Generation

Mr Green Genes

In 2008, scientists at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species found themselves the proud surrogate-parents of Mr Green Genes, above.

They modified his DNA to see if a gene could be introduced harmlessly into an animal’s genetic sequence.

To track where the gene went, they decided to use one that glowed under ultraviolet light.

The particular gene in question, known as green fluorescence protein, is likely to express itself in mucous membranes – hence his freakish mouth and ears. – The Daily Mail

This was just the beginning of a larger plan, however, and the center has recently built on the research with a follow-up: Son Of Green Genes.

“When we saw Kermit we all cheered because we knew then that the genes were passed on,” Dr. Dresser said. “Using this trans-genetic model we are hoping to save a lot of these endangered cats by transferring genes that are good genes.” –

That’s right, there’s now a modified breed of cats that will freak out anyone who happens to wave a UV light near them – but so what?

Well, I largely bring it to your attention due to it’s inherent neatness, but also because Dr. Dresser, mentioned above, is, in my opinion, the closest thing we have to a modern mad scientist.

I realize it isn’t the same as having eerie samples in jars, but she maintains a gene bank!

And have you ever heard of a frozen zoo? Inside several metal containers, scientists have preserved the DNA from hundreds of exotic animals. It’s all an effort to save the species from extinction. –

– and, do you recall that disturbing-looking crane-feeding costume I discussed a while ago?

Crane Feeding Costume

That whole project was the work of Betsy Dresser’s hand!

Oh, go ahead and laugh – but, one evening you’ll be out on a midnight stroll with a loved one, gazing at the ponderous moon and exchanging naughty words, when you’ll hear it in the distance: a tiny mewl.

Seconds later, you’ll be inundated by thousands of glow-in-the-dark attack-kittens, deployed by swarms of specially trained whooping cranes.

Within moments you’ll be gone, devoured by a multitude of rough-tongued mouths, but, somewhere in the distance, Betsy Dresser will be recording the results, and preparing a submission for another research grant.

A cat being dropped upside down to demonstrate how a cat's movements while falling can be imitated by astronauts in space.

Modern Perverts

The Venus de Milo

We’re all familiar with Real Dolls at this point, right?

It’s got to be a sign of the decline of civilization – crazy technology, letting us do crazy things like build constructs to have sexual relations with.




I do, however, remember hearing – back in the old, pre-Real Doll, days – a story about a fellow who actually went about BUILDING his own pseudo-woman.

He had a social issue, not being a fan of females in general, but he still felt all of the old familiar urges, so, like most socially inept geeks, he took up a hobby to keep his hands busy; in his case, it was sculpting.

Pygmalion loathing their lascivious life,
Abhorr’d all womankind, but most a wife:
So single chose to live, and shunn’d to wed,
Well pleas’d to want a consort of his bed.
Yet fearing idleness, the nurse of ill,
In sculpture exercis’d his happy skill;

I should mention, this was before we had rubber and latex, so his groping was straight on hard marble.

Art hid with art, so well perform’d the cheat,
It caught the carver with his own deceit:
He knows ’tis madness, yet he must adore,
And still the more he knows it, loves the more:
The flesh, or what so seems, he touches oft,
Which feels so smooth, that he believes it soft.
Fir’d with this thought, at once he strain’d the breast,
And on the lips a burning kiss impress’d.

Like a lot of people courting an inanimate object, he spent a lot of time playing dress-up. Still, his general preference was to have her naughty bits hanging out.

Thus like a queen array’d, so richly dress’d,
Beauteous she shew’d, but naked shew’d the best.

Antonio Canova's statue of Pauline Bonaparte as Venus VictrixWhat makes Pyg’s tale so different from that of the modern marionette-fancier is that, one day, while getting another round of flesh-on-mineral heavy-petting in, he was visited by his own version of the Blue Fairy, and his stonework bride became real:

He kisses her white lips, renews the bliss,
And looks, and thinks they redden at the kiss;
He thought them warm before: nor longer stays,
But next his hand on her hard bosom lays:
Hard as it was, beginning to relent,
It seem’d, the breast beneath his fingers bent;
He felt again, his fingers made a print;
‘Twas flesh, but flesh so firm, it rose against the dint:
The pleasing task he fails not to renew;
Soft, and more soft at ev’ry touch it grew;


At this the waken’d image op’d her eyes,
And view’d at once the light, and lover with surprize.

This, of course, will never happen for the Real Doll groupies – not, at least, without another half-decade’s worth of artificial intelligence advancements, and some minor robotics research.

(All quotes are from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, published in 8 AD.)

still from the movie Lars And The Real Girl

Everything Old Is New Again

War of the Worlds by Robert Czarny
This post owes its existence entirely to a suggestion made by Barry, of

* * *

The horizon crackled with the light of flame.

Gathered on a hill overlooking Grover’s Mill, New Jersey, a crowd – many with blankets draped over their shoulders to fend off the October chill – were waiting to see if the world might end.

The loudspeakers rigged at the edges of the mob sometimes brought the flat tone of a newsman, and sometimes the sharp bark of military communications.

Across the empty fields, a massive, unearthly, machine strode over the autumn grasses.

Finally, after all others seemed to have uttered their strangled death rattles into their mics, a single voice continued on, chronicling the last moments of the invasion.

The alien tripod stumbled, leaned drunkenly, then collapsed.

Orson Welles, dead a hundred years, gave a cheery warning that the production was meant only as Halloween tomfoolery, and the holographic projectors began to cycle down.

The defeated extraterrestrials shimmered into non-existence.

With the flaming country-side once again dark, the crowd began to disperse.

Young Orson Welles, from the Orson Welles Annex (click for link)

The War of the Worlds (October 30, 1938)

Reverse Lottery

Win With Dick, Bubble Gum CigarsI’m still sick, but stick with me here;

I find the concept of reverse mortgages pretty depressing.

A reverse mortgage (or lifetime mortgage) is a loan available to seniors aged 62 or older, per HUD, and is used to release the home equity in the property as one lump sum or multiple payments. The homeowner’s obligation to repay the loan is deferred until the owner dies, the home is sold, or the owner leaves, they can be out of the home for up to 364 consecutive days.

This is essentially selling your house, cheap, so that you can afford to live in it – it’s gambling against the fact that you’re going to die before you can spend it all.

I don’t bring it up to curmudgeon-on about financial instruments available to the elderly, however. I wanted to mention it because Fred Thompson, former presidential candidate, and ex-Law & Order actor, stands as a fantastic example of the odd blurring of celebrity that we’ve found ourselves in.


Ten or twenty years ago it was a novelty to have someone well known in the entertainment industry make the jump to politics, (President Reagan, or Governor Jesse “The Body” Ventura, come to mind,) but we’re now at a point where there’s a porous exchange – barely an eyebrow is raised when Sarah Palin embarks on a reality show, or former RNC Chairman Michael Steele guest-hosts a talk radio show.

Political junkies always point to the televised Nixon/Kennedy debate as the birth of “modern politics”, with sweaty Nixon losing out to a crisp young Kennedy, but I’d argue that the incestuous union between the political machine and the mass media is an ongoing affair, one that has yet to settle into its final format.

Consider: if winning votes is just a matter of winning hearts & minds, then there was a time when David Schwimmer might have been a valid candidate for the executive office.

There will come a day when, like Justin Bieber, a leader of the free world will be selected based on their youtube videos. This person, having run for the position largely for the associated fame, will complete the bread & circuses cycle – they will, in fact, be the circus.

Unfortunately, it’ll likely be a grandchild of Keyboard Cat, and she’ll soon turn around and attempt to sell us Whiskas.



Dog in a wrestling ringWill there come a day when we grow nostalgic over how bad search engines used to be?

Will perfect results destroy the sort of lateral trail that leads you through a chain of poorly designed angelfire sites, focused largely on kittens, only to bring you suddenly face-to-face with the exciting niche-hobby of kite fighting?

From an article on Gudiparan bazi

Before the war began, It was a form of sport that many took to the status of art. From the designs and sizes of kites to the making of unbreakable tar (wire), for many this became a matter of honor to compete in who’s who among the best kite fighters in their neigborhood. This addicting sport absorbed many young Afghans, even during the war.


The Fight (Jang) – In order to have a kite fight, 2 kites had to be airborne simultaneously at a close proximity. As soon as the wire of these two kites contacted each other, the fight had began.

I, for one, will miss the days when an image search for pulp magazine covers turns up a guy in a Nintendo power glove giving me the finger, and a picture of a chihuahua as the king of the rubber wrestlers.