Tag: Inception

Sunday Summary: Nuclear Family Bombardment

Someone's idea of getting back to nature
Someone's idea of getting back to nature

Magic Bus
The pool is always bluer...
The pool is always bluer...

Anxious Noises

I’ve been wanting to write this relatively quick post since last Friday, so here goes:


If you’ve been near a television in the last few weeks, you’ve seen an ad for Inception. Despite the overplay of the commercials, I’m quite excited to see it – partially because it seems to have a great Movie Noise, which you can hear above.

(I poked around for a better version, I know I’ve heard it at the end of at least one of the spots, but there are a million ads to check, and my internet is still limping.)

As far as Movie Noises go, it’s pretty fantastic, probably better than the Silent Hill Siren:


– although not quite as good as the Jason-noise:


Still, for my money, there’s no single more terrifying or superior Movie Noise than the slamming from The Entity.


(Starts at 55 seconds.)