Tag: Walker Journals

FlashCast 006 – Apples & Oranges

FC06 - Apples & Oranges[audio:http://traffic.libsyn.com/skinner/FlashCast006.mp3](Download/iTunes)

Prepare yourself for ideas, Antiques Roadshow, séances, The Running Man, bathroom talkers and Joe Monk.

Mentions this episode:

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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at http://skinner.fm, call our voicemail line at (206) 338-2792, or email us text or mp3s to skinner@skinner.fm.

FlashCast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 License.

Walker Update

Is it a coincidence that friend of the site, Ray, has released the second of his Walker Journals just as I myself feel as if I’m becoming a zombie, or has that madman undertaken some chemical warfare R&D in an attempt to turn me into cheap acting labour for his videos?

Only time will tell.


Good News & Bad News

The good news is that friend of the site, Ray, has posted up the first in his series of Walker Journals!


Click through, subscribe, and give the man encouragement for his hard work.

The bad news is that FlashCast 02 is being delayed due to holiday-related commitments. Hopefully we’ll be able to record it after tomorrow’s Flash Pulp, but, if not, it may have to wait till Tuesday.