Treasure Hunters
This isn’t the newest version of this gold buyer’s commercial, but it’s all I could find on youtube.
What I wanted to discuss was item #3 on their list, “private, confidential meetings,” as it’s actually the final selling point in the newest iteration of their pitch.
While they attempt to class it up a bit by having a woman in a suit play the customer, it seems to me that if you’re going to a gold buyer for a “private, confidential meeting”, it’s likely less a case of “I don’t want to be seen selling over the counter with the rest of the riffraff”, and more a case of: “I’ve stolen this from my ailing grandmother, and want to know if you’ll buy it without my having to risk a call to the police”.
“The one you can trust”????? Every single frame of that commercial screams “SHADY!” Even the “free parking close to highway 101” is perfect for making a getaway!
I’ve watched that three or four times now and it keeps getting better!
Hilariously, this is easily the classiest of the ads I’ve seen for this guy.
Here’s one full of ridiculous testimonials (including my favourite line from Harold: “Jewelery – it’s not for ever!”)
The guy behind the “we’re going on a cruise!” lady needs to be in EVERY video, no matter what the product, standing behind someone doing just that.