Big City Blues
I don’t usually do the “responding to local newspaper”-type posts, but I just wanted to pass this along to my non-Canadian friends, as a demonstration of the kind of serious criminal issues we’re dealing with in the largest city in our nation.
This wasn’t some sidebar article either, this is the lead for the Crime Section.
Now, if we could only convince Batman to stop assaulting rogue cyclists.
Fear not, I have infprmed Inter
pol. Help is on its way! In the mean time try to remain ca
Fantastic, I was hoping an international task-force would be launched immediately. This sort of scofflaw behaviour will not stand!
Not a serious problem, except for the general disrepect for the law that really starts to grate after a while.
I recognize that it’s sad when you have to waste your momentum and stop for traffic control devices. But you do it anyway. I stop my furshlugginer car at the stop line and wait for the green light. They can stop their furshlugginer potrzebie bikes.
And for the record, on my bike, I do stop at red lights, and I do those lame hand signals too. And if I don’t, hand me a furshlugginer ticket.
Fair point. My feeling is, if you’re on a bike, you’re likely doing it for the exercise anyhow, why not just stop?
Still, these are the sort of first-world issues I’m happy to have to deal with.
I see your point JRD, there are probably better things for the police to be doing. But, when one of these morons get hit by a car because they aren’t following the rules of the road they insist on sharing, it’s the driver of the car that’s probably in for all the legal trouble.
Yeah, fair enough. We’ve had some near misses with couriers and the like, and I wasn’t terribly pleased about it at the time.
Road safety strikes me as a bit of Darwinian problem, but you’re right, the unfortunate legal truth is that the driver tends to take the blame, however much of an idiot the cyclist may have been.
Can I arrest that story and charge it with excessive use of graphics? Some intern has too much time on his hands.
Agreed. Every aspect of this story rings of “slow news day”.
bicyclist punks