9/11 Truth
Judy Wood is a name well known in some circles – some regard her as an expert on her topic of choice, the truth behind 9/11.
She has a fairly large section on her website debunking the myth of a thermite-based controlled demolition, (the most common story I’ve encountered when I’ve bothered to wet my toes in crazy,) while constantly expounding the importance of the scientific method.
So, if not a case of basic engineering meeting fiery airplanes, nor a thermite conspiracy, what then is the truth according to Judy Woods?
My generation has finally found its own puff of smoke on the grassy knoll.
Basic engineering is right.
I feel sane again after reading this: http://www.journalof911studies.com/letters/b/scientific-critique-of-judy-woods-paper-star-wars-beam-weapons-by-james-gourley.pdf
Don’t let the part about thermite throw you too far. Burning paper is fine too.
Nice find. I’m always stunned when I wander into that end of the internet… what hath x-files wrought?