Category: goo brain
I accidentally swallowed a mosquito earlier – at first I was pretty disgusted, but after some consideration I’ve come to feel like I just took a little back for humanity.
As a Canadian who interacts with quite a few Americans on a day to day basis, sometimes it’s very tempting to make up an imaginary food item.
“Brb, just need to go grab some lunch – delicious Troulourt*, here I come!”
If ever questioned, I’d just claim it was something with cheese and gravy on it, an explanation that generally seems to mollify our southern neighbours about every other food stuff we claim to cram into our mouths.
[*I think the ‘U’s sell it, but I have no idea how it would be pronounced.]
Total Recall: The Musical
I’m grabbing this from BoingBoing, so you may have seen it, but the fact that someone took the time makes me quite pleased on this busy Thursday:
Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)
A tweet so nice,
I’m postin’ it twice
I know people are excited about UFC, but if I’m gonna watch dudes hug for a couple of hours, I’d rather just hang out at my Uncle Dennis’.
Night Of The Casio Dead
Re-watched Night Of The Living Dead (1990) a few evenings ago.
It’s still a fantastic movie, but it reminded that I need to give someone the idea of opening a production house to re-score all the casio symphonies of the early ’80s through mid-’90s.
Crisp Thursday
It’s a busy day around the fabrik, although we’re all still quite abuzz that tech guru and book club gang leader, Tom Merritt, swung by to say hello on last night’s episode.
In the mean time, here’s a random twitter quote that amused me, brought to you via a bookmarklet indicated by Warren Ellis.
It is rude to leave innocuous comments on friends’ Facebook updates that could not somehow be construed as veiled insults.