FC80 – Canadian Hobo Pennies
Hello, and welcome to FlashCast 80.
Prepare yourself for: Sexy Anne of Green Gables, space marines, suspecting Agatha Christie, a real life superhero gunfight, and Mulligan.
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Huge thanks to:
- Jeff Lynch (Twitter – Facebook – Bothersomethings.com), for his Spot of Bother
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Pulp-ular Press:
- Ridiculous Anne of Green Gables cover
- Superhero gunfight
- Agatha Christie was investigated by MI5
- Hyperspace doesn’t look like we think it does
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Mail Bag:
- Savage Glenn mentioned The Ringer
- Rich the TT mentioned:
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Backroom Plots:
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Also, many thanks, as always, Retro Jim, of RelicRadio.com for hosting FlashPulp.com and the wiki!
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If you have comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at https://flashpulp.com, or email us text/mp3s to comments@flashpulp.com.
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